Jen's diary

15 October, 2006

Photography Exhibition, River Bar Jhongli (Zhongli) for Mark Selikoff

The venue is in the gallery right above the River Bar, Jhongli (Zhongli), and the 2nd night (Sat 14th) of the Exhibition with coincide with fundraiser bash downstairs for Mark Selikoff.

I basically went there for an American, Mark, who had an accident and is in coma. Actually, I've never met the guy, but only saw him on TV sometime ago. He is my friends' friend that encourage me more to go to the event. Hope my little donation would be of help.

It's my frist time going to a pub full of so many foreigners in Taiwan. I don't like pubs that much cuz smokes bothers me everywhere. I love Pan Africana Cultural Troupe 's performance.
They play a lively drum-based African songs , and the rhythems of beats is fun. Shot some pictures with 黃嘉千, 還有那個止口渴又不傷胃的 Chris ㄡ.... interesting.

Though I stood in train from Panchiao to Zhongli. Juba, his girl friend and me split a taxi home very late night, but it's worth of being there tonight. Pictures will come soon later.

13 October, 2006

坪林露營, 宜蘭埔心牧場 Oct. 7, Oct. 8, 2006

Click on photos shot on Oct. 8, 2006.

All of a sudden, most of friends around me got kids and they all grow up like this.
I meant...Most of them...

the left picture was taken on 20060903.
This is not related to the trip, but I just feel time flies. I post my friends' kids' pictures to encourag me to value my time more each day!

business trip to Germany (Aug. 20~ 27, 2006)

去德國已經是八月份的事情了, 因為跟自己期待的結果差蠻多的, 也就沒去提起了. 這張照片是我在科隆時去萊茵河上撘渡輪拍的.
現在又開始寫 plog其實是發覺週遭的人變化的好大... 我想用blog記錄下來自己是否有成長了許多.. 這次的行程讓我覺得 自己還是比較喜歡自助式的旅程, 雖然同樣是出差, 可是跟上次在捷寶時可以自己安排所有行程,自己一個人到處晃,坐U-ban, S-ban是完全不一樣的感受. 我也更了解自己了.....需要多一點自主, 這跟別的女生可能不大一樣吧 .. 什麼事情都有人幫你打理並不是我期待的... 還有我真的不喜歡煙味, Smoking men sucks!