Jen's diary

21 January, 2006

My first Aerobics class

As planed, I went to 板橋溫莉美顏生活館 tonight to take the aerobics class for free since the store is new opened. I was very exhausted and pale after 20 mins of fast paced movements in the beginning. The teacher beat my hand heavily trying to wake me up that really hurts. I then drank some water and they put a ice towel on my forehead. About 10 mins later, I was doing okay and returned to the class. Since other students seems also very tired, the teacher decided to teach yoga.. I did pretty well for it though cuz I have had experiences before. I knew I have a little anemia (貧血), and the teacher also said hypoglycemia (低血糖) would lead to the problem too. Before I came to the class, I felt dizzy already... thats why I was so weak.

So, I am really tired now, but have to say the aerobics is absolutely fun and I will be back soon. I will have to remember to eat more regularly and maybe have some nutriment. The teacher said she felt I look so young, like below 25 and so she didn't stop me till I was so pale.. Good to hear I look young.. but I must not only look young!!!

08 January, 2006


今天是我第二次做伴娘了, 覺得很榮幸可以做昱容的伴娘..
下午3點前我就去 昱容 跟 朱少龍 的新家 4F (他們的舊家在5F)..其實我一點都不知道接下來要做什麼, 只知道要過去了..聊聊天 , 看著他們的婚紗攝影 VCD (感覺有點羨慕.. 這個攝影師拍的還真是不錯呢 ). 等到少龍的媽媽 帶著一個小男生 走進來吃著湯圓..也不知這象徵什麼
到了4點多我們才出發, 沿路塞車 大胖也不熟悉路, 終於我們還是到了第一飯店... :)

接下來, 我就長話短說了... 因為他們有請 非凡電視台的化妝師幫忙, 所以我也不用太緊張了, 一開始的出場 我和伴郎要走在前方, 之後新娘換衣服時去幫幫忙 (雖然好像沒幫到太多, 因為昱容妹 跟化妝師都在場), 可是學到了如何提高 cup... hehe.. :)
在板橋國中同學 桌 也看到了好多不常見面的朋友 ㄋ, 有 大頭 跟他老婆, 莊言召翔, 雅茹&老公, 尚庭&老公. 還有小孩, 知新&男友, 還有別桌的 --游皇泰&老婆, 一位非常熱情的同學可惜 我忘了他是誰. 最難得的是 謝松山 老師也來了... 為了讓大家方便聯絡, 莊言召翔 同學做了 一 yahoo 的家族.板橋國中323(80年畢), 難得大家在多年後還可以保持連繫~~

05 January, 2006

bed bug

some insects bit me and suck my blood
I was told from friends they must be bed bugs... Its more than one week since I suffered from it. It did't work either I used mosquito liquid, a spa spray or changed sheet. So, today I took away the mattress .. see the picture below. And I put a Japanese spray on my body ( they said it is okay to put on skin for children).. Hope I will be fine tonight .