Jen's diary

20 January, 2007

updates ~ first translatoin paid job, health, year-end party ...blah blah blah

I don't write my things in English often cuz my English sucks. You can see people usually blogging by their mother tongue, but I find it's cool to switch from Mandarin to English sometimes. Okay, here you go more updates. Cannot detail all of them then.

I spent about 8 hours last Sunday to help my friend translate a company intro. and my friend gave me 2,000 for it. Since I thought it would be rather easy after the first glance, I didn't charge them too much. But, then I knew there are so many specialized terms I don't know. Nice try anyway.

About my health problem, it's funny I just knew that I have to be careful about talk about “that women's monthly problem” with Americans because usually they don't ever talk about it with people that aren't their wife or mother... So, if there is any American guys check out this blog by chance, they have to stop reading cuz this bothers them too much. I cannot find anyone anyway. Not sure when the pain started.. probably when I was so young at high school. I had to suffer from the pain and did nothing for at least 2 days every month. Maybe I just got used to suffer from the pain and being lazy to really solve it... I am not sure about the pain level everytime since most of them are all of severe pains. The problem made me become moody, emotional to people around me, and ruin so many beautiful days.

This moring, I went to see doctor for the day 6 and realised I could simply cure my pain by having a tablet a few times for one to three days per month and this won't have too much side effect or influences on my liver. He seems to be a trustful doctor then, so I will follow what he said next month. After that, I went straightly to our year-end party in 吼嗨啞湯泉啤酒會館 about one hour late but it's still fun!!!.. We sang as in KTV and drank beer crazily like last time of new year countdown. I was flushed with only 5 cups of beer. Is this something to do with my liver? or my heart? Well, I know I love drinking alcohol sometimes!!!

After the party, I still got lots of energy and planned to take my aerobics class. But, I didn't go. Instead, I stayed at home watching Australia open (tennis). Really wish I were a tough guy and being healthy all the time b/c I really like to sweat a lot and do sports.

01 January, 2007


今年的跨年, 我跟雙鍵化工一些同事去宜蘭玩, 抵達 隨園民宿 後, 大伙即輕裝,穿涼鞋前往 梵梵溫泉, 途中要經過小溪, 所以要涉溪. 我其實一點都沒有驚慌的感覺, 走的相當充容, 因為之前已經有溯溪經驗了, 相對於其他的女生, 我覺得自己是不是太強悍了, 過去的爬山經驗讓我感覺一點都不累, 也不需要別人照顧... 這樣會不會不像女生呀? 因為我的個兒小, 不管是男女同事都會一致的認為要拉我一把, 所以剛開始時為了要配合其它人的期待, 我也只好當個弱女子了...

抵達時在那兒有許多人已經在露營了...因為我們也不過是走了一小小段路ㄚ!!! 雖然跟我理想中的露營地方有一段距離, 想想這應該算是大部分的人, 至少是我們公司的人所期待的地方了...

下面是大家一起泡熱湯的地方, 蠻舒服的ㄡ~~~雖然我還是不太習慣泡這種熱熱的溫泉.

回到民宿後大家 玩骰子樂, 吃東西, 玩牌, 倒數邁入2007.... 還打了不少電話給其他同事, 老闆們拜年!!! Hmmm..今年的跨年比較瘋狂一點!! 看看 flicker 有更多照片ㄡ!