Jen's diary

22 November, 2006

Never work overtime!!!

Today, Nov. 22, 2006, I make up my mind not working late again. I have been working hard and over time for so long. My life sucks! Today I left office at around 8:30 pm .. so drained. Believe or not, I will punch card by 6:05 pm everyday from tomorrow! Nothing can stop me unless manager, boss ask me to work overtime, but that will be the moment I fire them forever!

19 November, 2006

我的新摩托車 JOG SWEET 100

有一陣子沒寫blog了, 這是我11月14日買的JOG SWEET 100, 這幾天騎起來感覺超棒, 騎新車時加速的感覺跟我那台光陽50差的還真多, 涼風呼嘯而過的感覺真好...