Jen's diary

22 June, 2006

五寮尖 6/18

上個星期日我跟 forumosa網頁上的 hiking club 朋友一起去三峽的五寮尖爬山, 因為那天剛好是mc 第一天, 而且天氣又超級溼熱...所以真是累壞我了, 在剛開始10分鐘左右我差點就放棄了, 還請大家先走, 其實我那時自己下去都有問題ㄋ... 很高興後來趕上了隊伍, 體力慢慢提升, 也抵達了凌線. 真的~Definitely not a boring hike.

之後,大夥一起去三峽的比利時廚房(belgian Pie) 吃晚餐, 我坐德國人Chris 開的車ㄡ, 可能德國沒有時速限制吧, 開的蠻快的... 不知是否其他德國人也都這樣開車呀 >.< 我點的精燉牛肉有加啤酒入味ㄡ, 真的很特別又好吃..看著大家各式各樣美味的餐點, 真是捨不得它月底就關了.

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12 June, 2006

World Cup -Australia 3-1 Japan

I cannot believe what I just watched.. Australia beat Japan in the last 6 mins.
It was so dramatical because Japan got one point ahead for so long .. but they lost to Australia at last.
It also told me you have to be patient, persevering to be succeed.

A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.