Jen's diary

01 April, 2006

Move back home

After staying in that crap place for 4 months, I moved back home two days ago. I cannot stand for the neighbors always go back home after midnight 12:00 and rats on roof run around the same time too.

I didn't like my family tease me about moving back home.. thats what they usually do !! So, I asked my friend Rachel to help me. She is very much a good friend to help me that day... but I was shocked to see she brought her kid Alex along. At first, Alex just played around, jumped and jumped on the bed!!..He was really very helpful after a while though. I cannot believe we took so many stuff in one time and worried about we would frighten the taxi driver too much... Fortunately, we got a quite friendly driver. My family was so surprised to see such a cutie little kid helping me, and they like him especially my mom...

Not sure how things will go staying at home... I still don't have my own room that sucks!! I feel good to see my niece and nephew today ... Being around with someone is nice sometimes, but I like to have my own space too. Wish I could have the right place for the best of both worlds.