Jen's diary

28 October, 2005

碧潭~ Oct. 28

今晚我跟威利一起去 碧潭, 在那兒散步, 玩水上腳踏車, 唱歌...
喜歡那種被呵護, 女王的感覺...他讓我覺得自己那時好幸福ㄡ...
原來, 水上腳踏車跟我想像的有點不一樣, 相當有趣, 安全, 但是並不怎麼羅曼蒂克...

11 October, 2005

the summit of Jademountain - Oct.9~10, 2005

Beautiful sunrize - we were so lucky to see it!

This is my favorite picture of the climbing

The sun was so bright...

I cannot believe I really made it! 3952 meters

For more photos, link to Jade mountain